STAY  Informed
a court gavel photo

CLerk of courts

Clerk of State and Superior Court
The Clerk of the Superior Court is a Constitutional Officer, which means the position was created by an act of the Legislature in the State Constitution. This Clerk has been a county Constitutional Officer since the framers of the Georgia Constitution of 1798 provided for election of the Clerk of Superior Court in each Georgia County. The Clerk is elected every four years. As the keeper of the records. The Clerk is responsible for protecting the integrity of public records and public funds, establishing an index and issuing every paper under the court seal.
Court Deputy Clerks
Chief Deputy Clerk
Sherry Smith
deputy clerk - civil division
Tammy Chapman
deputy clerk - state court criminal
Erica Jordan
deputy clerk - state court criminal
deputy clerk - state court ticket
Susan McWilliams
deputy clerk - real estate
Thalia Beck
deputy clerk - real estate
Caroline Ruffin
Clerk of State and Superior Court
Debbie L. Brooks


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 1046
Griffin, GA 30224

Physical Address:
132 E. Solomon St. Griffin, GA 30223

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

e-filing: Odyssey E-File

Phone: 770-467-4309

EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2019 The Spalding County Clerk of Courts’ Office is excited to announce that Notary Applications are now available online. This service includes New Applicants, renewing applicants and offers the ability to provide a change of address. Applicants will go to GSCCCA.ORG, Click on the Notary and Apostilles button, Click on Notaries then select Notary Public Application form and follow directions.
You will need to complete the form and bring the completed application to the Spalding County Clerk of Court’s Office, along with your Georgia Drivers’ License and the application fee of $55.00.
We accept cash, credit cards, debit cards and business checks.

EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2025 - New Notary Law

Spalding County Superior Court
(Terms of Court: 2nd Monday in March & September)

Applications, Forms & Resources

Notary Application
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
Odessey e-file
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
Pay Traffic Tickets
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
FAmily Law Workshop
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
6th District Alternative dispute Resolution program
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
Promise Place : Domestic Violence Service
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
georgia sex offender registry
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
scheduling of filing & recording fees (superior & state court)
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters
Spalding county board of equalization qualifications & applications
a yellow circle with the word FAQ in white letters